Sunday, July 03, 2011

God Bless America, Happy July 4th!

6 Flags here we come!
Tyler, Elijah, Jorge, Alyssa, Frog, and Wendy 
Our Favorite part of 6 Flags...


If you can't take the heat, get out of line and go to
At SKULL ISLAND, it's very important to follow the rules...

Rule #1: Be Friendly and Courteous.
   Rule #2: No swearing or profanity. 
Rule #3: Don't get within 5 ft. of Elijah w/o intent to hug.

Tyler hits the "Swings of Seville"
Alyssa takes a load off on her way to "Thunder River"

Mommy said "The Scream Machine" was tame, so no worries right?

The Boys of Summer, "We ate the Scream machine for breakfast".
We came, we saw, we conquered!

June hits...and summer "Georgia style" begins-waking up later, summer bootcamp (i.e homework/chores galore), chillin' at the pool, the lake, Stone Mtn. and Six Flags!

Clint:  You may find him on the back of a milk carton one day with the caption "Have you seen me?" because he couldn't take staring at his dual screen computadora one more minute.  This braniac never stops workin-whether it be in front of a computer, behind the kitchen sink/lawn mower, teasing his children, or spoutin out cheesy pick up lines to his wife (By the way- they work).

Wendy: I am havin the time of my life...why?  Work is fun, play is fun, and the weather is so FINE.  I firmly believe that I am part fish because peace comes to me in the form of agua!  However, the truest joys in her life come from family and faith.  I am so grateful to live in a nation where I can worship according to the dictates of my conscience and have the freedom to pursue my dreams.  GOD BLESS AMERICA!    

Christian: Yesterday he whispered to Mommy at the checkout, "Mommy, I think I am gonna start having a morning jog if that's ok with you".  HUH? Is this kid for real?  I wake up to find his room clean, chores done, and in the middle of doing his homework.  I am SO not telling him its summer ;)

Alyssa: The Golden goose did not appreciate the scream machine.  She personified it.  She also made a deal that she would go if Mommy promised not to ask her to go on any more thrill rides.  Mommy said yes, (until we hit Universal at the end of the month)- Goose's favorite past time is to find the CUTEST outfits at 1/2 price Monday's at Metro Thrift.

Tyler: Oh the tank. Formerly known as "The Destructicon".  He currently has a large scratch down his face from the nugget (Reagan) because he pretended to be a puppy in her territory.  Ever the snuggler, this blue eyed bandit charms and disarms or...terrorizes.  No middle ground with the tank!

Reagan:  This nugget has found her much so that she is escorted out of church twice each Sunday.  It is a testament to her adorable-osity that she lives today.  She loves to speak into makeshift phones (pencils, hands, bananas, biscuts, cars).  She also loves to make animal sounds and say "GET OUT!" But we know she means, "I can't live with out you-my most loving family".

Well, that's June in a nutshell.  We love you and want to bear our testimony that God lives.  He loves us and if you ever wonder if that statement is really true- look up at the stars, into your child's eyes, or just ask Him yourself!  Have a wonderful 4th of JULY! 

(please, please aim the Roman candles away from the humans.)

1 comment:

Brittney said...

A couple things...

First, HOT MOM sporting her black swimsuit.:)

Second, where is Metro Thrift-sounds like a store I'd like.

Third, if Clint goes missing and shows up on a carton, I'm guessing he's with my husband because he's feeling the same way these days. Then again, so am I so maybe I'll show up missing too.

Fun post! :)