Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alrighty, its time to join the masses and blog. Wow. My goal is to give a monthly shout out to friends and family and keep a journal of what happens with the "So So's" (Sorensens). Enjoy!

                                                    January...BABY STEPS
We have a dry erase board in our kitchen that changes themes/goals each month. When we start a new month, we have a family night to discuss the new theme, tell stories/scriptures that relate to that theme. We write on it in the morning and discuss how we did at dinner. This month is "Resolutions". Our scripture is from Book of Mormon, Ether 12:27 "I give unto men weakness, that they may be humble; for my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then I will make weak things become strong unto them". Each week we try to come up with a goal that will help us overcome our weaknesses with the Lord...Building Strength in "Baby Steps

2011 Resolutions

Clint: Be more physically fit.

Wendy: Become a better Teacher to children, students, and nursery kiddos.

Christian: Treat siblings more kindly.

Alyssa: Be more grateful, do not pout.

Tyler: Think before I act.

Reagan: Poop less.

So sad. This month is almost up and Reagan has put no effort into her goals. The rest of us are doing quite well (shocker!). I tell you what, baby steps are the key for the So Sos.

                                                  Say What?
Clint is amazing. When he teaches the kids, it is with such power, wisdom, and love. When he encounters a difficult issue with a work project-he tackles it with confidence and perserverence....and in his new new calling in Nursery- he is fantastic! The cuties love to climb into his lap and play puzzles when they get lonely for Mom and Dad. He also knows all the primary songs and is quick to help out with the lyrics if Wendy starts getting too creative.
Wendy: I am teaching Zumba, Hip Hop, and Musical Theatre. It is so challenging but a dream fulfilled. The absolute best part is realizing I can't do it alone but I CAN do it with the Lord, a husband that changes diapers and children that do their chores. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the help I have been given and despite the huge workload increase, I feel happier and more at peace than ever...yeah for gratitude!

Christian will be forever plagued by the word "Accountant". He was #4 speller out of 1,000 kids at Taylor elementary. He also just got another straight A report card. We are so proud of him, go Christian!

Alyssa just went to her first dance! She got a new dress and her hair/nails done. Daddy picked her up with a red rose between his teeth. They "double dated" with the Bolsters and the Daddies were dressed exactly the same (both 6'6"+). Daddy actually had a blast dancing. Seriously, he did.

Tyler loves to play "Teddy Blue Eyes" where he imitates the cartoon character that loves to give hugs. Reagan is growing more tolerant of this character. Tyler is working really hard to improve his writing skills after he broke his arm.

Ray Ray just learned how to say "Sheep" and considers herself the "Alpha" Shepard of the Nursery Crew. She will direct the instrumentalists during music time, politely yoink toys away from any daring to play with something she likes, and sit on top of any child foolish enough to cozy up to her parents.

                                         Blizzard of 2011: The Snowball Effect
Day 1:
Snow? What? This is better than Christmas!  We build an exact replica of Justin Timberlake's frosty cuz Justin Snowflake came by, sledding, hot cocoa, movies, snow angels, snowball fights.

Day 2:
Sledding, cocoa, ds mania, pjs all day...much needed relaxation, so much fun!

Day 3:
Mom likes watchin a movie with Daddy while kids sled down driveway. Hot Cocoa supplies running low. Daddy drives us to go swimming at indoor pool and manhandles 2 cars into submission on the way home, in flip hot!

Day 4:
Mom is starting to twitch, when is the snow gonna melt and life get back to normal? Dad is loving life at the helm of his XBOX. Christian, Tyler, Alyssa enjoy the dinner time switch ups at the neighbors

Day 5:
Hot Cocoa has run out. Mom is about to have an out of body experience. Kids have become snow snobs. Daddy goes back to work. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?....


Noelle said...

I'm so glad you're doing this. It helps feel more connected to you guys. Love and miss you so much!

Heather said...

poop less!??!?!?! now talk about being ambitious!!!! good luck reagan!!! and even more luck to the ones changing the diapers!!!!

The Allred Family said...

I am so happy to stay connected with you through this! YEAH!!!!!!!

ilima said...

welcome to the blogging world Wendy-lady. I have just three words for you...I want pictures!

ryannsharidamontague said...

HOORRAY! you started a blog! I can't beleive that your kids are getting so big! Love and miss you guys!

Brittney said...

So happy to see you in the blogosphere. Good luck with the resolutions. Mine are already down the drain. :)

The kids saw your kids at church today and were really excited. We'll have to get together again soon. I love that you have kids old enough for my older kids. Everybody wins that way!